How The Westie Won Me!

��Up until this time I had only ever had German Shepherd Dogs and considered myself to be a "big dog" person. My friend had recently lost her beloved Toy Poodle and I found myself missing the company of a house dog. While reading the newspaper one Saturday I found an advertisement for West Highland White Terriers. I knew what they were like and always thought that if I was to have a small dog it would be a westie. I have since found that most westie owners suffer from the "I have always wanted to have one" syndrome.

��I rang the breeder only to find that she had one male puppy left and I had really wanted a bitch. After two hours of saying that "I really do want one", I rang the breeder again and asked could I come and see him. Arriving at the house ninety minutes later, and having during the drive already decided on a name for the little fellow. I knew somehow that there would be a little white pup sitting on my lap for the journey home.

��On seeing the little chap for the first time my initial impression was "Oh, isn't he ugly" but my friend seemed to really like him. So armed with instructions on feeding and how to care for him. I proceeded home with my new baby. Haimish was bright little fellow but straight away I found out who was to be boss. "Haimish don't dig in the pot plants" - "why not? I know there's a bone in there somewhere." "Haimish, don't chew on the lounge" - "Why? It looks like it's pretty chewable". Haimish, don't chase the ducks" - "Why? They make such a funny noise when I pull their feathers out". Haimish's character led me to find out all about the breed and although he will never see the show ring himself, he has caused the addition of further westies to the family which he has welcomed with open paws, looking after each new puppy as though it was his own. He is quite happy to stay home and guard the house while the others go to the shows and when they return they all sit down together and talk about what happened during the day.

��Little Haimish has given me hours of enjoyment over the past two and a half years and it wasn't until quite recently that my friend told me how ugly she thought he looked the day I bought him. He has grown up to have every fault possible and is only nine and 1 half inches tall but the big thing about him is his heart.

P. Williamson - Bonessie Westies

P.S. Buying Haimish led us to meet the owners of his sire, Pam and Cyril Wright. This in turn led to us becoming interested in showing and of course the addition of further westies to the clan. Haimish was "the old man" and no matter what sex puppy we introduced, he treated them all like part of the family. Haimish is now 9 years of age and still chases anything that moves. His latest love being possums. He continues to live happily with his doting and well trained mum, Penny.

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