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Malthighland Tyke - DOB 20 Nov 88
Sire: Tarnrite Terras Tyke - Dame: Yarrageh Jarrah

Haimish "Up until this time I had only ever had German Shepherd Dogs and considered myself to be a "big dog" person. My friend had recently lost her beloved Toy Poodle and I found myself missing the company of a house dog. While reading the newspaper one Saturday I found an advertisement for West Highland White Terriers. I knew what they were like and always thought that if I was to have a small dog it would be a Westie. I have since found that most Westie owners suffer from the "I have always wanted to have one" syndrome. "

For the full story see - How The Westie Won Me.

Haimish Bridie Nessie Huntly Gemma
Buzzy Brodie Cassie Becky Royboy

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Last revision: July 1999